Team Up! Podcast: Teams Can Build Resilience (Season 2 Episode 2)
Team Up! Team-Based Primary and Community Care in Action is a podcast that brings together primary care providers, healthcare planners, patients, innovators and others to talk about the changes that are happening in primary care in British Columbia.

Are you wanting to be resilient, but not sure if you have the capacity to do more? are you hoping to find a little change that can make your days just that bit easier?
Check out the first episode of Season 2 of Team Up! where Morgan and Sarah draw from what we are hearing in the Team Up! webinar series and from providers in community to introduce small changes that can be made in practice to enhance the adaptive capacity of providers. In this episode they focus on ideas for small changes- including an easily applied, short team activity that can help to minimize duplication- that can be made in teams to support resilience at the team level.
Thank you to everyone who appears in this episode: Graham Dickson, John(y) Van Aerde, Natasha Prodhan Balla, Anne Nguyen, Jeanette Boyd. See the resources highlighted below for related Team Up! webinars.
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